Monday, February 6, 2012

On the Move!

It's been a while since I've written and that just might be because our little wonder is on the move. He isn't quite in an official 'crawl' position when he moves, but he can pull and inchworm himself wherever he pleases...which is frequently chasing the cat, but also just for the fun of it. It started out right after Christmas, and at the time he would just move when enticed by a favorite toy far in the distance...but now, I can barely get a diaper changed before he is scooting off down the hallway to explore anything and everything.

Also, he is teething again...this time for those two top front teeth and he sticks his little tongue out all of the time to feel where there is movement of the teeth in his gums. No teeth have broken through the gums yet, but I'm waiting. This time it hasn't really disrupted his sleep too much. He still doesn't 'sleep through the night' but I read an interesting notion about that in one of my baby books. It explained how in cultures throughout the world, it is perfectly common and normal for babies under a year old to wake during the night for feedings...but in our American culture, we tend to place such a high importance on independence, we find it to be abnormal when our babies wake during the night, when in fact it is perfectly typical.

So, even though people are often shocked that my 8 month old baby is waking 3 times a night (on a good night) during 12 hours of sleep...I really don't mind at all, and I couldn't imagine letting him "cry it out". He has fallen back asleep on his own many times, but when he needs comfort or milk, I'm happy to provide it to my little love. After all, it's a mother's job and natural inclination to do so!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth!

 Just a few days after Thanksgiving, Sebastian began the lengthy process of 'teething', and in just a week or two he has had both of his bottom front teeth break through the gums! You can get a good view of them in this picture, not to mention that I also discovered that he is the perfect size to fit in this laundry basket. :)

 With teething, comes much restless sleep for him (and us), but it seems to come in waves. On top of him being fascinated with a new noise that his cute little mouth has been making (we call it his 'velociraptor' sound) and hitting another growth spurt (there are certain nights that he is just HUNGRY), his sleep is pretty fragmented...but all worth it to see his cute little smile all of the time. What an awesome little guy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cloth Diaper - Update!

I've found a great combination for cloth diapers--and it's really inexpensive.  As I mentioned previously, I bought Cloth-eez prefold diapers from Green Mountain Diapers online. I purchased the size large because I am simply folding down the excess in the back slightly until Sebastian grows into the size fully. I am also using the Dappi diaper covers which are only $2.99 a cover. They work really well and fit great because they come in several different sizes - but with such a great price, it doesn't matter that I have to buy a few more when he grows into the next size.

I also found a great video that a mom posted to Youtube about how to fold a prefold diaper onto your baby. It just took a couple of tries for me and now it's very easy!

Watch below if you're learning to cloth diaper as well:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forty-two things that change when you have a baby - from Baby Center

Wanted to share this find with everyone, especially all the mamas out there. :)

"What changes when you have a baby? A better question may be: What doesn't change? Here, writer and mom Rebecca Woolf lists her most notable post-baby observations. Then scroll down to read our favorite comments from readers about how their babies changed their lives.

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid. [See a reader's perspective in #22, below.]

3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

4. You respect your body ... finally.

5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.

6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.

7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.

8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.

9. Your heart breaks much more easily.

10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.

11. Every day is a surprise.

12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

14. You become a morning person.

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

And from our readers...
1. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth." — Ashley's mom

2. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." — Anonymous

3. "You now know where the sun comes from." — Charlotte

4. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have." — Sophie's mom

5. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers." — Roxanne

6. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." — Kellye

7. "Silence? What's that?" — Anonymous

8. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having." — Brenda

9. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." — Ronin and Brookie's mom

10. "You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule." — Thomas' mom

11. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' look instead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one." — Jaidyn's mom

12. "Your dog — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a dog." — Kara
[Many readers begged to differ, saying things like, " I disagree with number 12. My dogs are my additional children," "Nothing about previous babies, whether two- or four-legged, changes when a new miracle comes along," "My dog will never be 'just a dog," and "This is sad to me. My dog is still my baby too."]

13. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late." — Tracey

14. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." — Jayden's mom

15. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." — Dezarae's mom

16. You find yourself wanting to make this world a better place. — Arizona

17. If you didn’t believe in love at first sight before, now you do! — Ciara

18. You start to appreciate Sesame Street for its intellectual contribution. — Anon.

19. You have to quit watching the news because you see every story from a mother's perspective and it breaks your heart. — Brooke&Boys

20. You just plain love life more - everything comes together and becomes better because of one tiny person and your love for them. — Anon.

21. You finally find out the real reason you have those breasts. — Anon.

22. In response to #2 [above], I'd say that where you were once afraid, you're now fearless. I was always very timid and shy and let myself get walked all over … but now where my kid's concerned, I'll speak my mind and really connect with my inner "b"! — gummismom

23. The support you get from other people surprises you, because the people giving it are not always the ones you'd expect. — japanese_macaque

24. Nothing is just yours any longer. You share EVERYTHING! — DylanLsMom

25. No matter what you've accomplished in life, you look at your child and think, "I've done a GREAT job!" — Anon.

26. You want to take better care of yourself for your child. — Treasor

27. You can have the most wonderful conversation using only vowel sounds like "ahhh" and "oooo." — littlehulk2008"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cloth Diapers

We've started to step into the world of cloth diapering. After trying a few AIO (all-in-one) diapers, it seems that they aren't really as adaptable as they advertise. We tried the Bummis, Bum Genius and Fuzzi Buns (haha, I know, hilarious names) so far and they all are either already too snug or are on the last setting already and they claim to work up to 35-40 lbs!! Sebastian is only a little over 18 lbs, so I don't know if any of the AIO's are going to work.

So, I'm exploring the old school method of cloth diapering. I just ordered a dozen large cloth prefold diapers from Green Mountain Diapers
( and some diaper covers that are supposed to be a larger fit from Dappi ( I'll report my findings when they arrive in the mail and we test them out.

Any thoughts are welcome!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Five Months!

I can't believe my little guy is already more than 5 months old! Time is flying by, and I'm so grateful to be able to stay at home with Sebastian and witness every single moment. He is getting so much stronger in torso and I think he'll be sitting up on his own soon. For now, he loves being able to sit up propped up on the couch -- I think he loves the new perspective and it gives him a little practice sitting upright too.

 Today, he entertained himself for nearly an hour shrieking in joy at the top of his little lungs for no reason at all. He was staring at the wall, looking at himself in a mirror, and just laying on his back making great noise and excitement. It definitely made me reconsider my feelings of frustration at my neighbors' noisy dog.

 We're still working on solid foods. He tried pears today for the first time and loved them. I think they might be another regular along with apples (homemade) and sweet potatoes. The rice cereal didn't work for him, so we just set that aside for another time and went straight for the fruits and veggies.

 He also is giggling way more which is just amazing. He smiles A LOT already, and of course my natural reaction is to smile back at him--throw giggling into the mix, you have one happy household! :)

 Oh, and I've decided that he is very photogenic...he makes the photos that I take look so great!! We also found a great deal on professional baby pictures by a friend of ours, so I can't wait to see how they will turn out! We're going to wait to have them done until he can sit up on his for now, I'll just keep snapping pictures of my own!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stroller Upgrade

 With the burst of wonderful weather these past few days, we decided to take Sebastian on several walks in his stroller. We realized that he no longer needs the car seat adapter, but can sit in the stroller without it as seen in the above picture. He loves this new set-up! As soon as he's in the stroller, he becomes completely calm and relaxed, enjoying his reclined position and the motion of being pushed along.

 I just read some information on the B.O.B website (our stroller manufacturer), and it said that after 8 weeks, it is generally safe to go without the car seat adapter for this model of stroller -- so we were definitely past due for trying it out. They also say that we should wait until he is at least 8 months to actually jog with the stroller, so that he has excellent head control of course -- since that will put us in the middle of winter, we'll probably wait until the spring for jogging.

For now, there are many happy and relaxing walks in our future.